This ice breaker has been designed to accommodate students of a level 2 or 3—those who already possess English skills, though you, the teacher, can modify it to fit any skill level. Even though this activity is intended to be an ice- breaker, it nonetheless embodies key elements of grammar (e.g. has + past participial; […]
Spot the Difference
Preparation: Go to a spot the difference in the picture website like this. You might want to find the differences yourself before giving them to students. Instructions: Give all groups or pairs the same set of photos and have them race to see who can spot all the differences first. Students then describe the differences […]
Preparation: Find riddles, logic puzzles, or practical puzzles to give your students. Some riddles can be found here and some practical puzzles/logic puzzles/riddles can be found here. Instructions: Put students into groups or pairs and give them all the same riddle or puzzle. Groups create as many answers as they can. Elicit the answers from […]
Personality Quiz
Preparation: None Instructions Put students into pairs or groups. Tell each student to write down their three favorite animals. Groups or pairs then brainstorm POSITIVE adjectives for each animal. (example: dogs – loyal, friendly, energetic, etc.) After the groups and pairs finish tell the students that: Their first animal and its adjectives are how they […]
Preparation: Think of a couple of objects Instructions: Put students into groups and give each group a object word. (example: picture frame) The groups must then think of as many uses as they can for the object. (example: Use it like a horseshoe and try to throw it on a peg as a game, Use […]
Twenty Questions
Preparation: Think of a category (famous people, food, etc.) Instructions: Model it once for the students. Tell them you are think of something in a category. (example: “I’m thinking of a food.”) Students can then ask you twenty questions to try to find out what food you are thinking of. Put students into groups or […]
Deserted Island
Preparation: None Instructions: Put students in pairs or groups. Tell the group that they will be trapped on an island for one year and cannot leave. They can take 5 things with them. On the island: freshwater, monkeys, coconut trees and fish in the surrounding waters They must tell the class the 5 things they […]
Paper Fight
Preparation: Think of three or more questions (these can be taken from the small talk ice breaker questions) Sheets of paper, one for each student Instructions: Write the questions on the board. Students must then write their answers on the pieces of paper. Students then crumple the paper up into a ball and throw it […]
Two Truths One Lie
Preparation: Think of two true things about yourself and one lie. (For example: I got a scuba diving license when I was 15, I have been to Tanzania, My parents own a pizza restaurant) Instructions: Model the exercise first. Students must ask you questions to find out which is the lie. (For example: Where did you […]
Who Am I?
Preparation: Materials needed: paper cut into pieces, tape You’ll probably want to model this one first with a student volunteer. Instructions: Give students the pieces of paper and tell them to write a famous person’s name on it. A person that they think everyone will know. (i.e. the President of their country or the President […]
Small Talk (many random questions)
Do you like pets? Do you have any? What was the last book you read? Do you like to cook? Have you ever lived in another country? Have you ever met a famous person? What do you do in your free time? What kind of food do you prefer eating when you eat out? What […]
Which is worse for your health, smoking or drinking? Which is harder, math or English? Is it better to be rich and dumb or poor and smart? Is it better to be rich and ugly or poor and beautiful/handsome? Does technology make the world better or worse? Why? Which game is more entertaining, Tetris or […]
Who is the best looking celebrity in your country? How about the worst looking celebrity? Who is the craziest famous person you know about? What restaurant has the most delicious food you have ever eaten? What is the best song ever? Who is the greatest baseball player? Who is the most skilled soccer player? Who […]
Present Perfect
Ask your group if they have seen some of your favorite movies. Have you ever drastically changed your hair style or clothing style in a short time? Have you ever shot a gun? Have you ever ridden an animal? Where have you traveled? What sports have you played? Where is the best place you have […]