Teachers are constantly looking for tools to streamline their teaching and enhance the learning experience. Large Language Models (LLMs) present a promising avenue for ESL/EFL educators, offering an automated yet customizable approach to crafting worksheets. This guide will walk you through how to efficiently harness the capabilities of LLMs, ensuring you create meaningful and tailored […]
Unlocking the Power of Language Models for ESL/EFL Writing Prompts
Ever feel like you’re on a never-ending quest for engaging and effective writing prompts for your ESL/EFL classroom? Good news! Large language models are your new knights in shining armor. Read on to discover how to craft perfect prompts and elevate your teaching game. Just a note, most of this text and the images are […]
Using AI to Generate Personalized Reading Comprehension Texts and Questions
ESL and EFL teachers are always on the lookout for innovative ways to make lessons more engaging and tailored to each student’s needs. Now you can generate unlimited personalized reading comprehension texts and questions using an LLM (Large Language Model). But, as with all tools, there’s an art to using them effectively. Whether you’re familiar […]
Pressures of Being a Student
In what countries do you think it is hardest to be a student? Why? In what countries is it easiest to be a student? Why? What’s the hardest thing about being a student in your country? Do you think it would be easier or harder to be a home schooled student? Why? What should be […]
What was your most memorable birthday? What do you usually do to celebrate your birthday? Do you think that the person having the birthday should pay for the birthday party or should their friends and family pay for the party? Why? Where is the best place to have a birthday party? What gifts do you […]
Would you like to travel into space? Why or why not? What do you think about space tourism? How important is learning about space? Will humans ever travel to different solar systems? What is the most interesting thing you know about space? What is your favorite space movie or TV show? How realistic is it? […]
What was the best thing about your childhood? What do you miss most about being a child? Do you think that children these days have a better or worse childhood than your generation? Why? What do you think is most important for a happy childhood? What about your childhood do you wish you could change? […]
How is massage viewed in your country? How common is it How are masseuses and masseurs viewed in your country? Are they well respected? Does your country have a long history of massages? Or is massage somewhat new to your country? What types of massage are popular in your country? When was the last time […]
Is there a lot of corruption in your country? What businesses have the most corruption in your country? What are some problems with corruption in the political system of your country? Do you think corruption will always be a part of business and politics? What recent corruption scandal was in the news? Who is the […]
What are some of the benefits of getting older? Do you think humans will ever be able to stop aging? Is aging more difficult for men or women? Why? Which celebrities have aged well? Are older people actually wiser? What kind of support should children give their aging parents? How long do you want to […]
Have you ever played golf on a real golf course? Have you ever been to a driving range? Does your country have putt putt / miniature golf? What do you think about golf being in the Olympics? Have you ever watched golf on TV? What did you think of it? (e.g. boring, exciting, interesting, etc.) […]
How good are you at singing? Where do you sing most (e.g. shower, car, while doing housework, etc.)? How often do you do karaoke? What song are you best at singing? What song do you have to sing along with when you hear it? Whose singing do you hate? Can you sing your country’s national […]
The Media
Where do most people in your country get their news? Does the media in your country report the whole truth, mostly truth, or mostly lies? How has the internet changed the news in your country? Who has the most control over the media in your country? How does the media help create a healthy society? […]
How important is tourism in your country? What is the biggest tourist destination in your country? What are the benefits of international tourism? Are there any drawbacks? Do you prefer tourism package tours or do you prefer to plan your own vacations? Why? Is it better to go to popular tourist destinations or lesser known […]
Movies ESL Role Play Activity
Lesson Plan Description – A group of friends is trying to decide what movie to see. Preparation – Copy / cut role play cards before class. Prepare one role play card per student. Prepare a list of movies currently in theaters (preferably with images of the movie posters). Optionally, students can look up movies currently […]
Music ESL Role Play
Lesson Plan Description – Students create a band and try to get gigs at music venues. Preparation – Make a copy of the “Musician Sheet” for each student. Prepare some examples of different music genres for students to listen to (optional). Warm up Put students in pairs or groups of three or four. Ask them […]
First Impressions ESL Role Play
Lesson Plan Description – Students meet and greet their classmates’ imaginary personas then choose who gave the best first impression. (Note to teacher – This activity works best with eight or more students, but if you have a small class, students can use their real identities and not choose the most popular person.) Preparation – […]
Direct to Indirect Speech, Interviews Lesson Plan
Age Level: 22-30 Ability Level: Level 6 Grammar Type of Lesson: Review Objectives- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Form statements in indirect speech Recognize the differences between direct and indirect speech Ask important information Incorporate questioning techniques Use listening skills to answer complex questions Use adjectives to describe people, […]
Pronunciation of Sibilants Lesson Plan
Age Level: 15-38 Ability Level: Pronunciation 2 (Correlated with levels 3 and 4 grammar) Type of Lesson: New Objectives- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Recognize the various forms and manifestations of sibilant sounds Understand the articulation (or mouth positions) required to make the sounds Materials Needed: Percussion Instruments (Provided […]
Writing Lesson Plan
Age Level: 16-28 Ability Level: Writing 2 (Correlated with levels 4 and 5 grammar) Type of Lesson: Review Objectives- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Detect errors in sentence structure, syntax, word use, vocabulary and overall sense of written passages To correct errors To work with peers in a meaningful […]
Nouns Review Lesson Plan
Age Level: 19-32 Ability Level: Level 2A (First half of level 2) Type of Lesson: Review of Previous Lesson Objectives- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Define and provide examples of nouns Identify various objects (e.g., door, ceiling, desk) Recognize mistakes in identification Express that something is different Use correct […]
Nouns Lesson Plan
Age Level: 19-32 Ability Level: Level 2A (First half of level 2) Type of Lesson: New Objectives- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Define and provide examples of nouns Identify various objects (e.g., door, ceiling, desk) Use correct pronunciation when defining nouns Use listening skills and subtle clues to solve […]
Various forms of TESOL
The Audio-lingual Method This method arose as a result for the need of foreign language proficiently in both listening and speaking skills directly following the Second World War. This approach is closely linked with the psychological movement of behaviorism and thus, has as its main focal points, drilling, repetition and habit-formation. Lessons under the ALM […]
What are Psycholinguistics, Bilingualism and Sociolinguistics?
Psycholinguistics (sometimes referred to as the psychology of language) refers to the study of the neurobiological and psychological factors that enable human beings to comprehend, acquire and produce language. Stemming from this field of linguistics, areas such as biology, neurobiology and cognitive science are used to examine how the brain processes language. Moreover, psycholinguistics focuses […]
Tips and activities for teaching writing
Writing is perhaps the most difficult and tedious areas of the communicative approach to teach for several reasons. I have sat home thinking about what tools or materials I could use to facilitate learning for a writing class. Some materials I have used were effective, while others were far too complex; but then again, what […]
Pronunciation and Sounds
Pronunciation refers to the perception and production of the significant sounds of a target language (or any language, in fact) in order to achieve meaning within the context of language use (Seidlhofer 56). To put is more simply, pronunciation is defined as the particular sounds we use in order to derive meaning (AMEP 1). Pronunciation […]
Bingo Icebreaker
This ice breaker has been designed to accommodate students of a level 2 or 3—those who already possess English skills, though you, the teacher, can modify it to fit any skill level. Even though this activity is intended to be an ice- breaker, it nonetheless embodies key elements of grammar (e.g. has + past participial; […]
The Supernatural
What supernatural things do you believe in (ghosts, ESP, fortune tellers, etc.)? Do you think science will ever prove any supernatural beliefs? What supernatural beliefs are unique to your culture? What are some of the scariest supernatural movies? What supernatural thing do you fear? Why do so many people believe in supernatural things that can’t […]
What is the best activity to do while camping? How many times have you gone camping? Did you enjoy it? Where have you gone camping? What are the 4 most important things to bring when you go camping? Is camping with lots of amenities (solar panels, fans, stove, etc.) still camping? How much luxury is […]
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes? What products do you prefer to shop online for? What products do you prefer to shop in stores for? How do you feel about sales people following you and helping you when you shop? What makes a pleasant shopping experience? How do you feel about shopping […]
Does smoking make you look cool? Why or why not? How many friends do you have who smoke? Do you smoke? Should people be allowed to smoke in public? If so, where? Is raising the price on cigarettes a good way to get people to quit? What do you think about electric cigarettes? What are […]
Do you like knowing and finding out secrets? Why? Are you good at keeping secrets? Why or why not? Should governments keep secrets from their people? Why or why not? What kinds of secrets do you think your government has? What is something that lots of people dislike but you secretly love? Should husbands and […]
Single Life
What are some of the differences between married life and single life? Are the differences the same for men and women? What are the pros and cons of single life? Are you single or in a relationship? Do you wish you had a different relationship status? Why do some people choose to remain single? Who […]
Super Heroes
Who is your favorite super hero? Why? What super power would you like to have? If you had super powers would you be a super hero or a super villain? Do you prefer dark super heroes like Batman or purely good super heroes like Superman? Why? Does a person’s favorite super hero tell you anything […]
Which languages are the most difficult to learn? Which languages are the easiest to learn? How many languages can you speak? Does one of your family members or friends speak a lot of languages? What is the angriest sounding language? What do you think the oldest language is? How many languages can you say “hello” […]
How is adoption viewed in your country? Do you know anyone who was adopted? Can you think of any famous people who were adopted? How does being adopted affect a child’s view of themselves? What are some of the reasons people adopt children? What are some of the reasons people give children up for adoption? […]
When is immigration helpful to a country and when is harmful? Do you think your country needs more or less immigrants? What nationalities are most immigrants who come to your country? What would happen if we erased all country borders and let people live wherever they wanted? Would it be a good or bad thing? […]
What motivates you? Why? Are you very motivated to do things or do you need motivation? What activity do you have no motivation to do? What is a great motivational quote? Have you read any good motivational books or articles? What were they about? Does motivation come from inside a person or from their environment? […]
What are 4 pros and 4 cons of being an entrepreneur? Do you know any entrepreneurs? Does your country have a lot of entrepreneurs? Why do you think so? What is the most profitable type of business to open in your country? Should a restaurant open where there are no restaurants or lots of restaurants? […]
What animal best represents you? Why? What creature scares you? Why? Except for food, do humans need other animals? Why or why not? What is the most effective way to save endangered species? What are some examples of useful traits that help animals survive? (i.e. a giraffe’s long neck) What is Darwin famous for? What […]
Past Passive
What is the most important ancient monument in your country? What was it used for? What is your country’s most famous painting? Who was it painted by? What is the most important ancient artifact in your country? What was it used for? What do you think the Nazca lines were used for? What is your […]
Fast Food
What is your least favorite fast food restaurant and why? Does fast food taste good or bad? Why? Why is fast food so popular? How often do you eat fast food? What do you usually eat? Where? What is a food that people think is healthy but really isn’t? Do you know anyone who has […]
What is your favorite restaurant near where you live? What is the best restaurant you have ever eaten at? What types of foreign food restaurants have you eaten at? Have you ever eaten at a restaurant abroad? What was it like? What (besides good food) makes a restaurant great? Do you prefer to eat at […]
What is the best memory you have? Who was your most memorable teacher? (Bad or good) Do you have any strong memories linked to a particular smell? How do you want people to remember you? How good is your memory? What do you wish you were better at remembering? Are computers making our ability to […]
What is the most amazing thing about the brain? What is the most mysterious? What are some extraordinary things some people can do with their brains? Will we ever be able to augment our brain with technology? Would you? What do you wish your brain was better at? Do you think male and female brains […]
Adjectives: ‘-ed’ and ‘-ing’
When was the last time you were terrified? What is the most thrilling thing you have ever done? What school subject is interesting? What is one of the most exciting jobs you can think of? How about one of the most boring jobs? What is something relaxing you do when you are stressed? Who is […]
Present Continuous
What are you doing this year to improve yourself? What do you think your best friend is doing right now? Are you reading any interesting books these days? Which ones? What TV shows are you watching now? Think of your favorite celebrity. What do you think they are doing right now? Who are you hanging […]
How Often Questions
How often do you order delivery food? How often do you run? How often do you eat junk food? How often do you drink? How often do you travel? How often do you visit your family? How often do you eat vegetables? How often do you go to the dentist? How often do you lift […]
Adverbs of Frequency
What is something you always do when you study for a test? What is something you usually do in your free time? Where do you often go in summer? Where do you sometimes go with your friends? What is something you never do around your parents? What do you usually do in the morning to […]
How involved should governments be in individuals’ lives? Are criminals ever NOT responsible for the crimes they commit? What responsibilities do university students have? How about children or adults? Who is responsible for retired people’s welfare? Themselves? Their family? Their government? At what age do you think someone becomes responsible for his or her actions? […]
Are you someone who likes change? In what ways have you changed since you were in junior high school? How do you think you will change in the future? Which political party in your country is most likely to make big changes? Is that a good or bad thing? “The only thing constant is change.” […]
Success and Failure
Success Describe a successful person. Is your idea of success the same as your parents’ idea of success? Do you think people focus too much on appearing to be successful? Why is money the most common way of judging success? Can money buy happiness? How much pressure do your parents put on you to be […]
Gerunds and Infinitives
Gerunds What do you always avoid doing until the last minute? What are some things you enjoy doing every day? How about every week? Is there anything you have quit recently? What do you miss most about your childhood? What do you often discuss with your friends when you hang out with them? What is […]
What is the best way to energize yourself when you are tired? Who is the most dependable person you know? Do you find it hard to pay attention in your classes? What are you particularly good at? What are some of your predictions for this year? How can you improve your accuracy when speaking English? […]
First Impressions
When you look at someone, what makes you think they are… Dangerous Greedy Intelligent Kind Not smart Crazy Generous Do you like to meet new people or do you prefer to hang out with people you already know? When and where did you meet most of your friends for the first time? Have you met […]
Human Wonders
How many of the seven ancient wonders can you name? How many are left? 100 million votes were cast for the new human wonders of the world, the new seven wonders are: Chichén Itzá, Mexico Christ the Redeemer, Brazil The Great Wall, China Machu Picchu, Peru Petra, Jordan The Roman Colosseum, Italy The Taj Mahal, […]
How much empathy do you feel towards other people? Do you think it is possible to be too empathetic? Why might it be bad/good for a doctor to have a lot of empathy? In what other jobs is empathy very important? Who is the most empathetic person you know? In what jobs is empathy a […]
Present Perfect Continuous
What kinds movies have you been watching recently? Would you recommend any? Have you followed any TV series for a really long time? What new TV series have you been watching that you would recommend? What are some of your favorite books, newspapers or magazines that you have been reading lately? Are there any blogs […]
Are you a very motivated person or do you wait until the last minute to do things? What technology helps you to be productive? Do you think that some people are more productive because of genetics or how they were raised? How can people improve their productivity? Who is the most productive person you know […]
Talk about how technology has changed in your lifetime. What do you think has been the most important new invention in the last 100 years? Are there any new gadgets that you really want to get? What do you think will be the next biggest technological advance? How can countries help to create more inventors? […]
How much do you value your privacy? Do you think that websites like Facebook take away too much of your privacy? Do you think people have the right to privacy? How about convicted criminals? The only people who need privacy are people who are doing something illegal. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Do you […]
Natural Wonders
What are the three most famous natural wonders in your country? What natural wonders are in danger from climate change? Should humans try to protect natural wonders? If humans protect natural wonders, are the wonders still natural? Have you ever been to a natural wonder? What makes something a natural “wonder”? What are three natural […]
Electric Cars
Would you ever drive an electric car? What are some of the benefits and disadvantages of electric cars? When do you think the first electric car was made? What technology needs to be improved to make electric cars more popular? Are electric cars really environmentally friendly if the electricity to charge them comes from coal power plants? […]
Present Unreal Conditional/Second Conditional
If you could have any super power, what would it be? What would you do if you could speak English perfectly? If you won the lottery, what would you buy? If you could change one thing about your past, what would you change? If you could travel to an uninhabited planet, would you? Where would […]
If you could have three wishes that would come true, what would they be? (No, you can’t wish for more wishes) What do you wish you could change about the world? Many cultures throw things into water (like a fountain) and make a wish. Why do people do that? What do you wish you could […]
What do you think of your neighbors? Is there anything that your neighbors do that annoys you? Did you play with kids who were your neighbors when you were a kid? Do you still keep in contact with them? Here is an idiom: “Good fences make good neighbors.” What do you think it means? Do […]
Do you prefer to have many friends or just a few that you are close to? What are the benefits of having just a few close friends? How about the benefits of having many friends? Describe your best friend. Are you close friends with anyone who you knew in elementary school? Why do people need […]
Where do you get your news from? How important is it for people to follow the news? Do you think that news agencies sometimes tell lies to make a story more popular? How much do you trust newspapers, television news, and news from the internet? Which is the most reliable source of information? What kind […]
Natural Disasters
How many types of natural disaster can you name? Which is the worst? What natural disasters are common in your country? Have you ever been through a natural disaster? Tell your group about your experience if it isn’t too traumatic. What is the best / worst natural disaster movie you have seen? Think of three natural […]
Do you consider yourself to be an ethical person? Have you ever found a smart phone? What did you do? If you haven’t, what do you think you would do? Would you risk your life to save another person? Would you jump into a deep river to save a drowning animal? What should a person […]
Do you know anything about the history of the computer? Do you own a computer? What do you use it for? Think about smart phones, like the iPhone. Do you consider them computers? Why or why not? Do you think the desktop computer is going to become less popular in the future? If so, what […]
How often do you go to art museums? Do you consider yourself to be artistic? What do you think about modern art paintings? How many forms of art can you name? What is your favorite form of art? Is graffiti art? Why or why not? What is the most famous statue in your country? Who […]
Describe your personality. What kinds of people do you get along well with? What kinds of personality traits do you hate? How important is personality when you are choosing a spouse? Do all of your friends have similar personalities? What kind of personality traits are best for running a business? What kind of personality should […]
Eating Habits
Talk about what you have eaten today. What is the most unhealthy food you can think of? What do people need to eat more of? Do you usually eat healthy food? What are some different types of diets you have heard of? Do you think your parents ate healthier food at your age than you […]
Which do you prefer to stay in when you travel: hotels, hostels, or another type of place? Why? What are the best and worst things about staying in hotels? Have you ever been to a really disgusting hotel? Did you stay or leave? Couch surfing is staying for free at people’s homes in different countries. […]
What is the first thing you notice about a person? What do the clothes someone wears say about that person? Is there a part of your appearance that you are very proud of? (i.e. eyes, fashion sense, hair etc.) What is the most interesting haircut you have seen? Have you ever gone through the entire […]
Cars and Driving
If you were going to get a new car, what kind of car would you get? A luxurious car? A sports car? A hybrid or electric car? What kind of cars do you think look the best? Can you drive? If yes, are you a good driver? When did you get your license? If no, […]
Is your home clean? Are you a very organized person? Do you have a lot of decorations in your home or is it bare? Are you happy with the size of your home? What is your favorite appliance, electronic device, or piece of furniture in your home? If you had $3,000 to improve your home, […]
What is the best thing to do to stay healthy? What do you think the worst disease to have would be? Do you consider yourself to be healthy? Why? How often do you exercise? What is your diet like? Do you eat mostly fruits and vegetables? What do you think about the health care system […]
What is your favorite holiday? Has your favorite holiday changed since you were a kid? On what holiday do people in your country eat a lot of food? Do you give gifts on any holidays? What foreign holidays do you know about? What is the strangest holiday or festival you have heard of? Do you […]
What is your favorite season? What do you think of when you think of winter? What are some things your family did when you were a child in spring? What is the worst season in your country? Does it snow in your hometown in the winter? Did you use to make snowmen? What is your […]
Do you give to charity or volunteer? What do you think are some important charities people should give to? Do you know of any bizarre charities? Do you give money to homeless people? Do you think people should give money to homeless people? Who do you think needs charity the most? How much do you […]
How often do you cook? How good are you at cooking? What are some things that you can cook? What dish or food are you best at cooking? Do you think you can cook better than your mother? Who is a better cook, your mother or your grandmother? Are cooking shows popular in your country? […]
Do you know how scientists clone animals? What is the process? Do you think scientists should be allowed to clone people? Would you want to have a clone of yourself? What problems could cloning people solve? Could cloning people lead to problems? What kinds of problems? If we could clone dinosaurs like Jurassic Park, would […]
Having Children
How does having children change someone’s life? What kinds of things do people have to give up when they have children? What are some of the benefits of having children? Do you think it is better to have children when you are older or younger? What is the best number of children to have? How […]
Learning English
Submitted by: Michael Shelby Why are you learning English? How will you use the English you learn? Which of these do you do: attend English classes at school, learn English with a tutor (private teacher) or study English yourself (on your own)? What materials do you use for learning English? Since when (how long) have you […]
How clean is too clean? How dirty is too dirty? How can bacteria help humans? If you drop food on the floor, will you pick it up, blow it off/dust it off and eat it? What is the dirtiest job? How often do you wash your hands with soap? What is the grossest thing you […]
Do you believe there is other life in the universe? How about intelligent life? What do you think aliens might look like? Do you think aliens have ever visited earth? What does UFO mean? Have you seen a UFO or do you know someone who has seen a UFO? What is your favorite alien from […]
How often do you dream? Do you dream in color or black and white? Have you ever had a flying dream? Have you ever been falling in a dream and just when you are about to hit the ground you wake up? Do you think dreams have meanings? Do you think dreams can tell the […]
Free Time
What are some things you like to do in your free time? Do you have more free time now than when you were a kid? What would you do if you had more free time? Is there such a thing as too much free time? How do free time activities differ now compared with the […]
Multiple Intelligences
(Requested by one of our great users) Howard Gardner created the theory of multiple intelligences. The theory says that there are 8 different types of intelligence (logical-mathematical, spatial, linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic). Can you name two jobs that would be ideal for each intelligence category? Which one do you think you would score […]
Can intelligence be measured? If so, what is the best way to measure it? If not, why not? What is the most intelligent animal? Do you think that intelligence is only based on genetics or can things in a child’s environment boost intelligence? How intelligent do you think you are? Why are very intelligent children […]
About how many hours of TV do you watch every day? What are some of your favorite shows? Do you like any foreign TV shows? What is the funniest show on television? Do you think people watch too much television? Are TV shows getting better or worse? Would you like to be on TV? Do […]
Do you read many books? How often do you read books? Did your parents read to you when you were a child? What are some of the advantages of books vs. movies? How about the disadvantages of books vs. movies? What was the last book you read about? Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction books? Do you […]
What is your favorite genre of movie? Who are some of your favorite actors? What kind of movie is best for a date? Do you cry during movies? What is the best movie you have ever seen? What was the scariest movie you have ever seen? How often do you see movies? Do you usually […]
Who are your favorite bands or artists? How often do you listen to music? When was the last time you bought a song or album? Do you usually buy albums online or CD’s from the store? Have you ever illegally downloaded music? Do you think it is okay or not okay to download music illegally? What kind […]
Getting a Job
What is the best way to find a job? What do you think are the five most common questions asked at a job interview? What are some things you should do for a job interview? How about things you shouldn’t do? How is the job market in your country, is it easy or difficult to […]
How much water do you drink every day? How many glasses of water should people drink every day? How long can a person live without drinking any water? How long have you gone without drinking anything? Can you swim? How often do you go swimming? Where is a good place to go swimming near here? […]
Conspiracies and Cover Ups
What are some famous real conspiracies or cover ups? What are some common conspiracy theories? Do you think they will be proven or proven wrong? Do you think that newspapers sometimes cover up events? How often do politicians in your country get in trouble because of cover ups? Do you think it is possible for […]
For and Since and How Long Questions
How long… have you been alive? have you had a cell phone? have you been studying English? do you plan on working? do you want to live? have you lived in your current house or apartment? have you had an email address? have you had your current hairstyle? do you want to study English for? […]
Phrasal Verbs
How do you help out your friends and family? What time do you usually get up? Do you wish you could get up earlier or later? Have you ever been picked up by a crazy taxi driver? Can you set up a computer? Do you talk your friends into doing bad things? Is there anything you turned down but now […]
The Five Senses
What is your favorite sense? Give some examples why it is so good. If you had to lose one sense, which would it be? Do you think we have any other senses? (i.e. when you can feel that someone is staring at you even if you can’t see them or ESP) Which sense would you […]
How often do you send emails? How many email accounts do you have/need? What email provider do you use? (i.e. Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo etc.) How much of the email that you receive is spam? Have you hand-written a letter and sent it to someone? If no, why not? If yes, how often do you send […]
What makes a happy marriage? How does the idea of getting married make you feel? Excited? Scared? Happy? Nervous? What do your parents tell you about getting married? Some people say that marriage is outdated (too old-fashioned and not needed), do you agree or disagree? Describe your perfect spouse. What do you think married life […]
Environmental Problems
What are some of the most serious environmental problems? What are ten things individuals can do to help the environment? What are five things governments can do to help the environment? What is your opinion on climate change? Which countries cause the most pollution? How will our children be affected by climate change? What kinds […]
How does the government in your country help disabled people? What are some common disabilities? How are disabilities viewed in your country? What kinds of disabilities do people develop as they grow older? Do you know a person with a disability? What did you learn in today’s class about people with disabilities? How can our […]
What makes you unique? Is it okay to look different from other people or should you look the same as other people? What do you think when you see someone who looks very different? If you went to a job interview with green hair, what do you think would happen? If you see someone with […]
Facts and Statistics
What do you think about these facts and statistics? In a lifetime, the average driver will honk 15,250 times. An office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet. 10 percent of all human beings ever born are alive at this very moment. Most lipstick contains fish scales. You have more bacteria cells in […]
Where do you like to go on vacation? Where would you like to go on vacation? Tell your partner about your best travel story. What are some things you always take with you on a trip? Do you prefer package tours or making your own trip? Where did you spend your last vacation? What did […]
Idol Worship
Who are the most popular singers or groups in your country? What are some crazy examples of fan worship you have heard of? How far is too far when talking about fan worship? Are there any groups that you are huge fans of? What were some of the groups that you really loved when you […]
How is communication changing between people? It used to be common to talk to strangers. Do you think it’s okay to talk to people you don’t know? How often do you start up a conversation with people you don’t know? Think about how your Grandmother talks with people. Is it the same as how you […]
Online Dating
Can two people fall in love over the internet without meeting each other first? How acceptable is online dating in your country? What are some of the good and bad things about online dating? Do you know anyone who has met their husband or wife online? What are some popular online dating sites in your […]
Family Values
What values will you pass on to your children? Do you think society is losing its values? How have values changed in society? What is a value other people think is very important which you don’t think is important? What values did you parents pass on to you? Are there any values that your parents […]
Do you believe that love can be understood by looking at the brain and chemicals? How is attraction different than love? Why do you think some people fall out of love? What is the most romantic movie you know? In public, how much affection is too much? How is showing love different now from in […]
Where is the best place in your city to take a date? What can you do if you want to save money and go on a date? How common are blind dates in your country? Do most blind dates go well? If not, why not? What is the best way to meet boyfriends or girlfriends? […]
Do you think beauty is the same for every person? Do you think that different cultures think about beauty differently? What do you think of plastic surgery? What is the most common plastic surgery in your country? What does “Beauty is only skin deep.” mean? What kind of beauty contests are popular in your country? […]
The Internet
How much time do you spend on the Internet? What are some of the benefits of the Internet? What are some of the dangers of the Internet? How much time should children spend on the Internet? How has the Internet changed the world? What will the Internet be like in 10 years? Are you part […]
What do you think the most common crime in your country is? Should police in your country be stricter or less strict? Is your country a safe country? Have you ever seen a crime? (Don’t talk about it if it’s too upsetting for you.) Do you think criminals can change? Is shoplifting common in your […]
Who invented the number system we use today? What do you know about the history of numbers? Why are numbers so important? What are the two most important numbers in the world? Some people say that math is the language of the universe. Do you agree? Why or why not? What is your favorite number? […]
Modals of Possibility Might Could
What are some new laws that your country’s government might pass? What might cell phones be able to do in the future? What are some things you might buy if you had more money? What are some things your parents told you when you were young that might not be true? Do you think a […]
Spot the Difference
Preparation: Go to a spot the difference in the picture website like this. You might want to find the differences yourself before giving them to students. Instructions: Give all groups or pairs the same set of photos and have them race to see who can spot all the differences first. Students then describe the differences […]
Preparation: Find riddles, logic puzzles, or practical puzzles to give your students. Some riddles can be found here and some practical puzzles/logic puzzles/riddles can be found here. Instructions: Put students into groups or pairs and give them all the same riddle or puzzle. Groups create as many answers as they can. Elicit the answers from […]
Personality Quiz
Preparation: None Instructions Put students into pairs or groups. Tell each student to write down their three favorite animals. Groups or pairs then brainstorm POSITIVE adjectives for each animal. (example: dogs – loyal, friendly, energetic, etc.) After the groups and pairs finish tell the students that: Their first animal and its adjectives are how they […]
Preparation: Think of a couple of objects Instructions: Put students into groups and give each group a object word. (example: picture frame) The groups must then think of as many uses as they can for the object. (example: Use it like a horseshoe and try to throw it on a peg as a game, Use […]
Twenty Questions
Preparation: Think of a category (famous people, food, etc.) Instructions: Model it once for the students. Tell them you are think of something in a category. (example: “I’m thinking of a food.”) Students can then ask you twenty questions to try to find out what food you are thinking of. Put students into groups or […]
Deserted Island
Preparation: None Instructions: Put students in pairs or groups. Tell the group that they will be trapped on an island for one year and cannot leave. They can take 5 things with them. On the island: freshwater, monkeys, coconut trees and fish in the surrounding waters They must tell the class the 5 things they […]
Paper Fight
Preparation: Think of three or more questions (these can be taken from the small talk ice breaker questions) Sheets of paper, one for each student Instructions: Write the questions on the board. Students must then write their answers on the pieces of paper. Students then crumple the paper up into a ball and throw it […]
Two Truths One Lie
Preparation: Think of two true things about yourself and one lie. (For example: I got a scuba diving license when I was 15, I have been to Tanzania, My parents own a pizza restaurant) Instructions: Model the exercise first. Students must ask you questions to find out which is the lie. (For example: Where did you […]
Who Am I?
Preparation: Materials needed: paper cut into pieces, tape You’ll probably want to model this one first with a student volunteer. Instructions: Give students the pieces of paper and tell them to write a famous person’s name on it. A person that they think everyone will know. (i.e. the President of their country or the President […]
Small Talk (many random questions)
Do you like pets? Do you have any? What was the last book you read? Do you like to cook? Have you ever lived in another country? Have you ever met a famous person? What do you do in your free time? What kind of food do you prefer eating when you eat out? What […]
Fixed Expressions (Idioms)
What are you supposed to do to get the job that you want? What do you do when you are out of money? How do you catch a beautiful girl/handsome guy’s eye? What are you going to do when you get out of here? What has your country’s president done to raise questions about his […]
Which is worse for your health, smoking or drinking? Which is harder, math or English? Is it better to be rich and dumb or poor and smart? Is it better to be rich and ugly or poor and beautiful/handsome? Does technology make the world better or worse? Why? Which game is more entertaining, Tetris or […]
Who is the best looking celebrity in your country? How about the worst looking celebrity? Who is the craziest famous person you know about? What restaurant has the most delicious food you have ever eaten? What is the best song ever? Who is the greatest baseball player? Who is the most skilled soccer player? Who […]
Are iPhones as good as Android phones? Are PC games as fun as console games? Is watching a movie at home as good as watching it in the theatre? Is (city in your country) as entertaining as (city in your country)? Is (country’s food) as delicious as (country’s food)? Is (singer/group) as talented as (singer/group)? […]
Participial Adjectives
What kind of things do you find exciting? When was the last time you were terrified? Have you heard about any surprising news or gossip recently? What is the most thrilling thing you have ever done? What do you do when you are bored? What would be the most satisfying job for you? What is […]
Real Conditional – Present
If your friend forgets your birthday, what do you do? If you see a homeless person on the street, do you give them money? Why or why not? If your friend lies to you and you find out, what do you do? If you fail an important test, what do you do? If you get […]
When you go shopping what do you usually buy? Talk about the quantity of each thing you buy. Can you ever have too much money? What is something you have too much of? How much free time do you have? How many planets do you think have life on them? What is something that you […]
Adverbs of Manner
How fast do you eat? Do you think bus drivers and taxi drivers in your city drive well or badly? Do you sing well? Have you ever met someone who eats very loudly? What is something that you do very cautiously? Do you work hard at studying? What is something you do quickly? What is […]
Too Enough
Have you ever eaten too much food? What age is old enough to serve in the military? What age is old enough to buy cigarettes and alcohol? Is the Korean government’s age limits too low or too high? Have you ever felt like you were not smart enough to do something? Have you ever felt […]
Real Conditional – Future
What will/can/might/ happen… … if you get into a fight? … if you get arrested? … if we don’t stop polluting? … if the world’s population keeps increasing? … if computers become more intelligent than humans? …if you learn to speak English perfectly? What will/can/might you do… …if you can’t get to sleep tonight? […]
When will you graduate? How will you use English in the future? Will humans ever meet aliens? What will the meeting be like? What kind sci-fi movie will the future be like? (The Matrix, Terminator, i-Robot, Minority Report etc.) Will the Pacific Garbage Patch ever be cleaned up? Will it keep growing? Do you think […]
What kind of neighborhood will you live in when you get older? What will cities be like 50 years from now? Think about how these will change (make two or three predictions for each): Transportation Pollution Crime Advertising Buildings Work Shopping Nightlife When will you graduate? How will you use English in the future? Will […]
How do members of a family support each other? Who do you think has the most power in the family? Why? Do you agree with the saying “Children should be seen and not heard”? Why do you agree or disagree? Are good family members or good friends more important? Why? What problems do parents have […]
Already, Ever, Yet
People have many goals in life. What are some goals you have already accomplished? What are some goals you want to accomplish, but haven’t accomplished yet? Have you ever done something that you were really proud of? Have you ever done something really nice for someone else? Think of some more have you ever questions […]
Meeting New People
If you don’t know your partners very well ask them some questions to get to know them. Do you like meeting new people? Why or why not? What are some things that you usually talk about when you meet a new person? If you see a handsome boy/beautiful girl that you want to get to […]
Would you like to be a fashion model? What are their lives like? Could you date someone if they had a terrible sense of fashion? Which country or city is the most fashionable in the world? Is fashion important or not important? Why or why not? Do you prefer functional or fashionable clothing? What do […]
What are some examples of bad manners on the bus? What are some examples of good manners on the subway? What are some examples of bad manners that you HATE? Do you think people are more polite or less polite now than in the past? Do you know someone who is often rude? Can you […]
Passive Voice
What is imported by your country? What is exported by your country? What do you think is the most popular luxury item in your country? Who is it made by? What do you think expensive perfume is made from? Who are the best electronics made by? Who are the most expensive cars made by? What […]
Luxury Items
What is one luxury item you really want to have? What is imported by your country? Do developed countries focus too much on luxury items? What is exported by your country? What do you think is the most popular luxury item in your country? Who is it made by? What is the craziest example of […]
What do you do when you have a cold? What ailments is western medicine better at curing? What ailments is eastern medicine better at curing? What do you do when you have a hangover? What are some old remedies that you know of to help with ailments? What should you do to stop the bleeding […]
How many genres of video games can you name? How are some of these genres unique and different from the others? What are some more examples of games? Choose one or two examples of games or video games. What are their rules? What kinds of games are popular now? What were some games that were […]
What are some of the worst jobs you can think of? What are some of the best jobs you can think of? How long do you want to work? Is it better to be a boss or an employee? Why? What would be the most satisfying job for you? What is one of the most […]
Did you like the neighborhood where you grew up? Where is the best place to eat in your city? Where is there a lot of crime in your city? What is the worst thing a neighborhood can have? Where is the best place to shop in your city? What did you think about your neighbors […]
What are some sports you like watching? Why? What are some sports you dislike watching? Why? Do you play any sports? If so, which ones? Would you like to learn how to play a sport or do an activity? What would you like to learn? Why are sports so popular? Do you know of any […]
What are the best kinds of stories? (i.e funny stories, ghost stories, amazing stories) Who told you stories when you were a child? What kind of stories did they tell? What are some famous Korean stories? Do they teach the listener/reader something? There are many ways to experience a story. For example: book, movie, TV […]
The Past
Who used to be your hero when you were young? Did you use to have a pet? Who were some of your favorite sports stars in the past? What did they play? Why were they your favorite? Name some of your country’s famous sports stars of the past. Why were they famous? What was your […]
Have you ever traveled abroad? If yes, where did you go and what was it like? What customs were different from your country’s customs? If no, would you like to go to abroad? Where would you like to go and what do you think it will be like? Do you think it is important to […]
Present Perfect
Ask your group if they have seen some of your favorite movies. Have you ever drastically changed your hair style or clothing style in a short time? Have you ever shot a gun? Have you ever ridden an animal? Where have you traveled? What sports have you played? Where is the best place you have […]
Past Ability
What was something that you were really good at when you were a kid but aren’t good at now? What was something that you couldn’t do at all when you were a kid but you can do really well now? When you were younger could you play: soccer? cards? baseball? a musical instrument? basket ball? […]
Used To
What is a food that you used to hate but now you like? Who used to be your hero when you were young? Did you use to have a pet? Did you use to get good grades in high school? What used to be your favorite game to play? Where did you use to play when […]
What are some things you do every day? What are some good habits you have? Do you have any bad habits? Can your group give you any advice for your bad habits? What is something you should do every day but don’t? What are some activities you like to do? How much do you exercise […]
Simple Present
What are some activities you like to do? What are some good habits that you have? What are some things you do every day? Do you have any bad habits? What is something you should do every day but don’t? What is something you eat almost every day? What do you do at your job? […]
What is your favorite snack? What unhealthy food do you love? What food did your mother always tell you to eat and not to eat? What food helps with which health problem? What is the future of food in your country? What kinds of food did you eat when you were a child? Do you […]
Simple Past
Tell me about your last vacation. Where did you go? What did you do? What did you do for you last birthday? Who was your first crush? What was the last really difficult thing you had to do? What did you eat for you last meal? Who did you meet last week? What did you […]
What was your best memory from when you were a child? What is your earliest memory? Which was better for you: elementary school, junior high school or high school? Why? Did you study hard in high school? How would you change your life if you could? Starting university was a big transition. What are some […]
Would you rather live in your home country or live abroad? Would you rather be smart or beautiful / handsome? Would you rather be poor and happy or rich and unhappy? Would you rather marry someone plain with a good personality or someone beautiful without much personality? If war broke out in your country would […]
Would rather
Would you rather live in your home country or live abroad? Would you rather be smart or beautiful / handsome? Would you rather be poor and happy or rich and unhappy? Would you rather marry someone plain with a good personality or someone beautiful without much personality? If war broke out in your country would […]
What is your favorite color? Is color important to you? Does color affect your emotions? Imagine being in a room where everything is dark blue how would you feel? What if the room was red? Black? Yellow? Pink? Why do you think colors affect humans so much? Do you think that certain colors are only […]
Do you like cities or the country side? Which is better and why? You can make one change to your country’s capital city, what will you change? What are some of most famous cities in the world? What makes them famous? Why do you think that humans started living in cities? Do you think that […]
What is a challenge you faced? There are many amazing challenges to try: Can you think of some more interesting challenges that a person can do? What kind of challenge would you like to try? Do you have any heroes that have done something amazing? Challenges don’t have to be amazing. What are some normal […]
Infinitives of Purpose
Finish this sentence with an infinitive of purpose: I stole a car… I got into a fight… I walked to the store… I went to a club… I learned to play the guitar… I ran from class to my house… I pretended I was sick… I yelled as loud as I could… I jumped into […]
How Questions
How well do you play video games? How tall are your parents? How tall are you? How impatient are you? How hard do you work in your classes? How greedy are you? How good is your mother’s cooking? How mature/childish are you? How big do you want your apartment to be when you get married? […]
Architecture/Building Design
What kinds of materials are buildings made from? Is there one type of building material you prefer in buildings? What kind of style of buildings do you like? (Traditional, Modern, Crazy, Functional, etc.) What do you think of your country’s (modern/traditional) architecture? What are some buildings around where you live that you like? Is it […]
Should and Shouldn’t
What are some things you should do when you first meet your boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s parents? How about things you shouldn’t do? What are some things you should do to improve your English? What should you do to be popular? What should politicians do to make your country a better place? What should ordinary people do? What […]
What three pieces of advice will you give your children? Whose advice do you follow more, your parents’ or your friends’ advice? If you could give the leader of your country some advice, what would it be? If you could go back in time and give yourself some advice, what would you tell your younger […]